Search for tag: "faq"
How to use the Channel SubscriptionIn this video we will demonstrate how you can subscribe to a channel in order to receive E-mail notifications for newly added content.
From Customer Training
387 plays
How To Use Kaltura Learning Copy CourseIn this video we will demonstrate how to copy content from a course in Kaltura Learning.
From Customer Training
1,668 plays
How to Collect Customer Care LogsIn this video we will share with you how to get prompt resolution for a technical issue by collecting the most relevant logs.
From Customer Training
36 plays
How to Add Your Logo to Kaltura MediaSpaceThis video demonstrates how to update your MediaSpace portal to show your school / company logo instead on plain text or the Kaltura logo. Created by: Tal Binder Title: Technical Trainer,…
From Customer Training
395 plays
What Are the Differences Between Gallery and ChannelThis is a training video describing the differences between a MediaSpace Gallery and Channel. Please note, The UI might be different according to the KMS version. Kindly refer to the presentation…
From Customer Training
934 plays
How to Set Call to Action on the PlayerThis is a training video on how to setup a call to action button in Kaltura Player via the KMC studio Created by: Buki Peri Title: Director of Project Management , EMEA and APAC
From Customer Training
604 plays
How to Set a Default Metadata Schema Using a Template EntryThis video demonstrates how to set a template entry for a conversion profile Created by: Oleg Freger Title: Delivery Manager, Enterprise and Learning
From Customer Training
289 plays
How to Prevent from the Player to Automatically Update to the Latest VersionThis video demonstrates how to prevent the player from being automatically updated to the version by using KMC studio Created by: Yuri Sitnikov Title: Full Stack Developer
From Customer Training
234 plays
Common Mistakes When Trying to Add a User as A CollaboratorThis video demonstrates common mistakes when trying to add a user as a collaborator and the user is not presented in the "Enter a collaborator" box. Created by: Assaf Berkovitz Title:…
From Customer Training
327 plays
How to Set a Dual Screen Player Outside of MediaSpaceThis video demonstrates how to Enable Dual Screen Feature for the Player Used Outside of MediaSpace Via the KMC Studio. Created by: Yuri Sitnikov Title: Full Stack Developer
From Customer Training
999 plays
How to Grab KS from Legacy KMCIn This video I will demonstrate how to grab KS when Legacy KMC application is open. Created by: Guy Shavit Title: Project Manager, Enterprise and Learning
From Customer Training
60 plays
How to Locate Videos that I was Set as the CollaboratorThis video demonstrates how to locate videos that you have been set as a collaborator and are not seen under your "My-Media" Created by: Assaf Berkovitz Title: Director of Technical…
From Customer Training
338 plays
How to Enable Polls for the Webcasting ApplicationThis video demonstrates "How to add Polls" for the Webcasting Event, where the Polls option is not available in the webcasting application. Created by: Rony Dahan Title: Customer…
From Customer Training
151 plays
How to Add Kaltura Capture Option When Embedding "In Context of a Course (BSE)In this video we will demonstrate how to add Kaltura Capture option when embedding in context of a course (BSE) Created by: Israel Toledano Title: Solution Architect, Enterprise & Learning
From Customer Training
717 plays
How to Edit Cielo24 CaptionsThis video will demonstrate how to edit the Cielo24 captions using the Reach text Editor. Created by: Rony Dahan Title: Customer Training Developer & Technical Trainer
From Customer Training
595 plays
How to Create a Live Stream Entry in Legacy KMCThis video will demonstrate how create a basic live stream entry in Legacy KMC. Created by: Tuyen Thieu Title: Solutions Architect, Enterprise and Learning
From Customer Training
343 plays